How to Turn The Tables When He Pulls Away In 11 Simple Steps

When your man pulls away, it can be very difficult to know how to respond.

You might be wondering whether it is a permanent thing or more of a temporary thing.

You may feel frustrated and confused, but one thing you can do to feel more empowered is to learn how to turn the tables when he pulls away.

And yes, there are ways you can turn the situation around.

Here are 11 simple steps you can use to regain connection with him when he pulls away:

1. Acknowledge His Feelings

2. Ask Questions

3. Take Time for Yourself

4. Do Something Fun Together

5. Talk Openly and Honestly

6. Show That You Care Through Actions

7. Offer to Help Him with His Worries or

8.  Work on Improving Your Relationship Together

9. Be Patient and Understanding

10. Recognize The Signs of Commitment When He Pulls Away

11. Reverse Psychology Works Like A Charm

Recommended reading: The Very Real Pain of When Men Pull Away & How to React In A High Value Way.

1. Acknowledge His Feelings

When your man pulls away, it’s important to acknowledge how he’s feeling.

Don’t try to fix his problem or ignore how he’s feeling. Just show him that you understand how he feels and make sure that he knows that you’re there for him.

This will go a long way in showing him that you care and it can help to open the door for further communication.

QUIZ TIME: Is your man serious about committing to you? CLICK HERE to find out with this specially crafted quiz! (All the answers you seek about him lie within these 8 questions.)

2. Ask Questions

When your guy starts to pull away, it can be difficult to understand what’s going on in his head.

Instead of making assumptions or trying to guess how he’s feeling, ask questions instead.

This allows him to express his thoughts and feelings clearly and openly so that you can both move forward with more clarity and greater connection.

Ask him how he is feeling, and keep asking questions until you have a better understanding of how he’s feeling.

Even if the answers are hard for you to hear, listening and understanding will help you both move forward in a healthier way.

Here are some examples of questions you can ask him to turn the tables when he pulls away:

  • What do you need right now?
  • Is there anything I can do to help?
  • How can we work  through this together?
  • What would it take for you to feel better right now?

QUIZ TIME: Are you truly living in your feminine energy? CLICK HERE to find out with my specially crafted 9 Question Quiz!

3: Take Time for Yourself

How to turn the tables when he pulls away? Take time for yourself.

When your man pulls away, it can be easy to become overwhelmed with worry. However, it’s important to take time for yourself too.

Go out and do something that makes you feel good. Whether it’s exercising or reading a book, taking some time for yourself can help you clear your mind and ease the tension.

Taking a few minutes to focus on yourself will help you gain perspective and clarity. Plus, it can help your guy understand how important it is for you to take care of yourself too.

There are 7 common signs a woman is perceived as low value to all men, because men simply perceive value differently to women. Do you know what these signs are and how to avoid them like the plague? CLICK HERE to download this special report.

4. Do Something Fun Together

Spending time with one another is an important part of connecting as a couple.

And if you can connect with your man, then it becomes a lot easier to turn the tables when he pulls away, because connecting with him gives you power in the relationship.

Real power. Not imagined power.

So when your man pulls away, maybe you can suggest doing something fun together that you both enjoy.

It could be seeing a movie, playing a new sport or going for a walk together.

Whatever it is, make sure that you are both having fun and enjoying one another’s company.

How to turn the tables when he pulls away

5. Talk Openly and Honestly

Communication is key in any relationship, so when your man pulls away, it’s important to talk openly and honestly about how you’re feeling.

Here’s how to express feelings to a man without pushing him away.

Explain how his behavior is making you feel, and how you would like him to act differently (without blaming him).

If your man is willing to listen and work together, it can help bring the two of you closer together.

6. Show That You Care Through Actions

Your actions speak louder than words, so when your man pulls away, be sure to show him how much you care.

Not through desperation, but through knowledge that men need their woman the most when they’re pulling away.

(Unless he was never committed to you in the first place).

You can do things like:

  • Put him first
  • Make him a snack; or
  • Send him a thoughtful text

These actions can help to show how much you care and how important he is to you.

CLICK HERE to LEARN the one specific emotional trigger within every masculine man that inspires him to want to take care of you, worship you and deeply commit to you.

7. Offer To Help Him with His Worries

How to turn the tables when he pulls away?

Offer to help him with his worries.

Sometimes when men pull away, it’s because they are struggling with something internally.

Offering your help can show how much you care and how willing you are to work through any issues together.

Here’s something thoughtful you can say to him:

“If you’d like, I want to help you with whatever it is that you are going through. Let’s talk about how I can be of help.”

8. Work on Improving Your Relationship Together

Pulling away from one another is a sign that something isn’t quite right in the relationship.

As for how to turn the tables when he pulls away, try working on improving your relationship together.

Here are some ideas on how to do that:

  • Talk openly and honestly
  • Express how much you care
  • Take time for yourself
  • Do fun activities together; and
  • Seek professional help if needed

MORE: When He Pulls Away, Do THIS.

9. Be Patient and Understanding

When your man pulls away, it’s important to be patient and understanding, because when it comes to making a commitment to a woman, a lot of men really do need time and patience.

So give him the space he needs to work through his own thoughts and feelings.

And if you can be patient, it can help your man to come back to you with a newfound appreciation for how special the relationship is.

At the same time, remember that patience doesn’t mean putting up with unhealthy or unacceptable behavior.

Be patient, but also trust your gut  and don’t be afraid to take action to walk away from the relationship if he’s not committing.

10. Recognize The Signs of  Commitment When He Pulls Away

How to turn the tables when he pulls away?

Recognize the signs of commitment.

When a man starts to pull away, look out for the signs that he’s still interested in the relationship.


Because if you just keep continuing to try to salvage the relationship when he’s no longer committed or even interested in the relationship, you may be wasting time and energy. 

And that’s not turning the tables when he pulls away, that’s just wasting your life away with the wrong guy.

What are the signs he’s still interested in the relationship?

These signs can include:

  • Spending more time with you and making an effort to stay connected
  • Showing up when he says he will
  • Being open and honest about how he’s feeling
  • Making  plans for the future
  • Regularly expressing how much he values and loves you

By looking out for these signs, you can tell whether or not your man is still committed and interested in the relationship. And if he is, then it’s time to continue working on turning the tables when he pulls away!

QUIZ TIME: Is your man serious about committing to you? CLICK HERE to find out with this specially crafted quiz! (All the answers you seek about him lie within these 8 questions.)

#11: Reverse Psychology Works Like A Charm

Finally, if you want to turn the tables when a guy pulls away, you need to use reverse psychology.

But how?

Well, instead of trying to talk him out of his decision or begging him to stay, try telling him to go right ahead and take all the time he feels he needs.

Just don’t do it in a passive aggressive way. You will just feel guilty later on.

Instead, do it because you know he needs it.

This is a good way of being a high value woman, and showing how strong and confident you are.

This may be hard to do, but if your guy really is losing interest, it might be one of the best things to do.

It’s a lot better than hitting the panic button when a guy pulls away.

Doing this will make your guy pause and reflect on how valuable you are.

And who knows? He might just come back around with a newfound appreciation for you as his woman.

CLICK HERE to discover the ONE PHRASE you can say to ANY man that will capture his attention, trigger his curiosity and make him hang onto every word you say! (Works like magic in a high vale non-needy way!)

Bottom Line

Ultimately, when he pulls away, it’s important to show how high value you are, how much you care and how willing you are to work on the relationship together.

Following these eleven steps can help turn the tables and bring him back to you.

But don’t forget, if a guy isn’t interested anymore, it might be time to walk away and find someone who truly loves and appreciates you.

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