The 7 Feminine Archetypes: Which One Is Your CORE Archetype?

As women, we are powerful beings with unique personalities and traits that shape our identity and relationships.

Understanding and embracing our feminine essence is key to unlocking our full potential and living a fulfilling life.

One way to explore our feminine essence is through the concept of feminine archetypes. These archetypes represent universal patterns of behavior and personality traits that are present in all women.

By identifying our dominant archetype, we can gain insight into our strengths, weaknesses, and tendencies in relationships.

In this article, we will explore the seven feminine archetypes and help you discover which one is your core archetype.

Join me on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

MORE: How to Be More Feminine In 8 Simple Steps.

What Is An Archetype?

Archetypes are universal symbols or patterns that exist in the collective unconscious.

They are the building blocks of our psyche and represent fundamental human experiences and behaviors.

Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist, introduced the concept of archetypes in psychology. According to Jung, archetypes are inherited from our ancestors and are a part of the collective unconscious.

Archetypes are not limited to gender and can be found in both men and women.

However, there are specific archetypes that are associated with femininity. These archetypes are known as feminine archetypes and represent different aspects of the feminine psyche.

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What Are The 7 Feminine Archetypes?

Here are the seven feminine archetypes and a brief description of each. It’s also worth mentioning that sometimes these are referred to as the ‘female archetypes’:

  1. The Mother: The nurturing, caring, and protective aspect of femininity. The Mother archetype represents the unconditional love and support that a mother provides to her child.
  2. The Maiden: The youthful and innocent aspect of femininity. The Maiden archetype represents new beginnings, creativity, and the potential for growth.
  3. The Huntress: The independent and self-sufficient aspect of femininity. The Huntress archetype represents the ability to provide for oneself and the strength to overcome challenges.
  4. The Wise Woman: The knowledgeable and intuitive aspect of femininity. The Wise Woman archetype represents the wisdom that comes with experience and the ability to guide others.
  5. The Lover: The passionate and sensual aspect of femininity. The Lover archetype represents the ability to connect with others on a deep emotional level.
  6. The Queen: The powerful and regal aspect of femininity. The Queen archetype represents leadership, authority, and the ability to make decisions.
  7. The Mystic: The spiritual and mystical aspect of femininity. The Mystic archetype represents the connection to the divine and the ability to see beyond the physical realm.

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Each woman has a unique combination of these archetypes, and they can change throughout a woman’s life as she moves through different life stages and ages.

Also, understanding your archetypes can help you gain insight into your own personality, behavior, and relationships.

By embracing all of your archetypes (and zeroing in on your preferred ones), you can tap into your innate strengths and live a more fulfilling life.

The value of these feminine archetypes in your life is all-encompassing and they are a resource you can tap into in order to bring more value to those you love and care about.

These archetypes can help you to:

  • Excel in your work
  • Heighten your gut instinct and intuition
  • Nurture others
  • Seduce and attract men
  • Inspire and move other women
  • Befriend people; and
  • See deeper beyond the surface

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Let’s dive into all of the feminine archetypes right now.

The Mother Archetype

The Mother Archetype is one of the most powerful and universal archetypes in the feminine psyche.

It represents the nurturing and caring qualities that are associated with motherhood.

This archetype is often associated with Demeter, the Greek goddess of agriculture and fertility, who is also known as the caretaker of the earth.

The Mother Archetype is often associated with the physical and emotional care of children, but this is not the Mother’s only role.

The Mother’s role also encompasses the nurturing and caring of others, including friends, family, and even pets.

The Mother Archetype is characterized by its ability to provide comfort, safety, and support to those who need it.

The Light Side

The light side of the Mother Archetype is seen in the selfless love and care that a mother provides to her children.

This includes the physical care of feeding, clothing, and protecting her children, as well as the emotional care of providing love, support, and guidance.

The Mother Archetype is also seen in the way that women care for others in their lives, providing emotional support and nurturing to those who need it.

The Shadow Side

The shadow side of the Mother Archetype can manifest in a number of ways.

It can result in overprotectiveness, where a mother or caregiver becomes too controlling and doesn’t allow the child or person to develop their own independence.

It can also result in codependency, where the caregiver becomes overly reliant on the person they are caring for and loses their own sense of self.

The shadow side of the Mother Archetype can also lead to excessive guilt and self-blame, where a woman feels responsible for the well-being of others to the point of sacrificing their own needs.

It is important to recognize both the light and shadow sides of this archetype, so that we can cultivate the positive qualities of the mother while avoiding the negative ones.

By embracing the Mother Archetype in a healthy way, we can provide non toxic and consistent love, support, and care to those around us without sacrificing our own well-being.

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the maiden

The Maiden Archetype

The Maiden Archetype represents the youthful, innocent, and beautiful aspect of femininity.

It is often associated with the Greek goddess Persephone, who was kidnapped by Hades and taken to the underworld.

The Maiden Archetype is a symbol of new beginnings, growth, and potential.

The Light Side

The Maiden Archetype is full of youthful energy, curiosity, and wonder. She is awestruck by – and sensitive to – many experiences that others would take for granted.

The maiden embodies the qualities of purity and beauty. It is a time of new beginnings, where anything is possible, and the future is full of promise.

As a Maiden, you are full of life and vitality – at any age.

You are open to new experiences and are not afraid to take risks.

You have a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world around you, and you approach life with a special quality of optimism and hope.

The Shadow Side

The Shadow Side of the Maiden Archetype can manifest as naivety, immaturity, and a lack of life experience.

It can also represent a fear of growing up, and a reluctance to leave the safety of childhood behind.

As a Maiden, you may struggle with making decisions and taking responsibility for your actions.

You may be easily influenced by others and struggle to assert your own needs and desires (don’t we all know someone like this?)

You may also struggle with feelings of insecurity and a fear of rejection.

Embracing the Maiden Archetype

To fully embrace the Maiden Archetype, it is important to minimize (or process resentment and fear) in order to make way for more innocence and joy.

Take some calculated risks, try some new and exciting things, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes.

Embrace your youthful energy, because you can access it at any age. Use it to fuel your passions and dreams.

At the same time, it is important to acknowledge and address the Shadow Side of the Maiden Archetype.

Take responsibility for your actions, learn to assert your own needs and desires, and work on building your self-confidence and self-esteem.

Remember, the Maiden Archetype is not about the destination, but the journey. She’s happy being in the moment, as her sense of wonder takes her places she’s never been before.

The Maiden is a time of growth and potential, and by embracing this archetype, you can deepen your feminine energy and live a life full of vitality, even when you may have thought you were ‘past it’.

the huntress

The Huntress Archetype

The Huntress archetype is the feminine archetype that embodies focus, strength, and determination.

It is a symbol of the warrior spirit and the ability to pursue a goal with unwavering dedication.

The Huntress is often associated with Artemis, the Greek goddess of the hunt, who represents the power of nature and the wild.

The Light Side

The light side of the Huntress archetype is characterized by a strong sense of purpose and a relentless pursuit of a goal.

When you embody this archetype, you are focused and driven, and you have the strength and courage to overcome any obstacle in your path. You are a natural leader and inspire others to follow your lead.

The Shadow Side

However, the shadow side of the Huntress archetype can manifest as a single-minded pursuit of a goal at any cost.

This can lead to a lack of empathy and a disregard for the feelings of others. When you are in the grip of the shadow Huntress, you may become ruthless and even violent in your pursuit of your goal.

To embody the light side of the Huntress archetype, it is important to cultivate focus and determination while remaining mindful of the impact of your actions on others. Here are some ways to do this:

  • Set clear goals and create a plan to achieve them.
  • Stay focused on your goals and don’t let distractions derail you.
  • Cultivate empathy and compassion for others.
  • Use your strength and power to uplift and inspire those around you.

When you embody the Huntress archetype, you have the ability to achieve great things and inspire others to do the same.

However, it is important to remain mindful of the impact of your actions on others and to make sure you maintain a healthy level empathy and compassion in order to avoid the shadow side of this archetype.

the mystic

The Mystic Archetype

The Mystic Archetype represents the feminine energy that seeks deeper meaning and understanding of the world.

It is the archetype of intuition, knowledge, and growth. This archetype is associated with the element of water and is often depicted as a mermaid or a water nymph.

The Mystic Archetype represents the ability to connect to the unseen world and to receive guidance from the universe.

The Mystic Archetype is associated with the third eye chakra, which is located in the center of the forehead.

This chakra is associated with intuition, wisdom, and spiritual insight.

When this chakra is balanced, you are able to connect to your inner guidance and receive messages from the universe. You are also able to see beyond the physical world and access the spiritual realm.

The Light Side

The light side of the Mystic Archetype represents the ability to connect to the spiritual realm while remaining grounded in the physical world.

When you connect to the light side of the the Mystic, you gain the ability to access higher knowledge and wisdom and to use it for the benefit of yourself and others.

It also represents the ability to heal yourself and others through spiritual practices such as meditation, energy work, and prayer.

To connect with the Mystic Archetype, you can practice meditation, journaling, or other spiritual practices that help you connect to your inner guidance.

You can also spend time in nature, particularly near bodies of water, to connect with the element of water and the energy of the Mystic Archetype.

Put simply, the Mystic Archetype represents the feminine energy of intuition, knowledge, and growth. It is associated with the element of water and the third eye chakra.

By connecting with this archetype, you can access higher knowledge and wisdom and use it to heal yourself and others.

However, it is important to remain grounded in the physical world and avoid becoming obsessed with the mystical and spiritual.

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the queen

The Queen Archetype

The Queen Archetype represents leadership, confidence, and relationships.

It embodies the energy of Hera, the Greek goddess of marriage and family, who is often depicted as a powerful and regal queen.

The Queen Archetype is a symbol of feminine power and authority, and it can be found in many different cultures and mythologies.

The Queen Archetype is associated with the ability to make decisions with confidence.

When you embody this archetype, you have a strong sense of self and are able to assert yourself in any situation.

You are able to take charge and lead others, and you have a natural ability to inspire and motivate those around you.

The Light Side

On the light side, the Queen Archetype represents a nurturing and supportive energy.

When you embody this archetype, you are able to create a safe and supportive environment for those around you.

You are able to provide guidance and wisdom, and you have a natural ability to comfort and heal others.

The Shadow Side

On the shadow side, the Queen Archetype can manifest as a controlling and manipulative energy.

When you are operating from the shadow side of this archetype, you may use your power to dominate others and manipulate situations to your advantage.

This can lead to strained relationships and a lack of trust from those around you.

In relationships, the Queen Archetype represents a strong and confident partner who is able to provide support and guidance.

When you embody this archetype, you are able to create a strong and healthy relationship based on mutual respect and trust.

To embody the Queen Archetype, focus on developing your leadership skills and your ability to make decisions with confidence.

Practice being assertive and taking charge in situations where you feel comfortable doing so.

Also, focus on nurturing and supporting those around you, and strive to create a safe and supportive environment for yourself and others.

Remember, the Queen Archetype is a symbol of feminine power and authority, and it is important to use this energy in a positive and supportive way.

When you embody this archetype, you have the ability to create positive change in your life and the lives of those around you.

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the sage

The Sage Archetype

The Sage archetype is a powerful symbol of feminine wisdom, knowledge, and experience.

She is the wise woman who has spent a lifetime accumulating knowledge and understanding, and who is now ready to share her insights with others.

The Sage archetype is often associated with the goddess Hestia, who was the keeper of the hearth and the home.

Like Hestia, the Sage archetype is a symbol of warmth, comfort, and guidance. She is the one who provides a safe and nurturing space for others to learn and grow.

The Light Side

The Sage archetype is a powerful force for good in the world.

She is the one who can help you navigate difficult situations, make wise decisions, and find your way through life’s challenges.

She is the one who can provide you with the guidance and support you need to achieve your goals and live a fulfilling life.

But like all archetypes, the Sage has a shadow side as well.

The Shadow Side

When the Sage is out of balance, she can become rigid and dogmatic, insisting that her way is the only way.

She can become so focused on her own knowledge and understanding that she loses sight of the needs and perspectives of others.

To move beyond the shadow side of the Sage archetype, it’s important to remember that wisdom is not just about knowledge and experience.

It’s also about compassion, empathy, and understanding. The true Sage is the one who can balance her own wisdom with a deep respect for the wisdom of others.


the lover

The true Sage is the one who can balance her own wisdom with a deep respect for the wisdom of others.

The Lover Archetype

The Lover archetype represents your sensual and passionate side.

It is the part of you that craves intimacy and connection with others. When you embody the Lover archetype, you are in touch with your sensuality and your ability to experience pleasure.

The Lover archetype is often associated with Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty.

When you connect with this archetype, you tap into the energy of this goddess, which can help you to feel more attractive and desirable.

The Light Side

On the light side, the Lover archetype can bring a sense of joy and fulfillment to your life. It can help you to form deep connections with others and to experience the pleasure of physical touch.

When you embrace your sensuality, you become more confident and radiant, which can attract others to you.

However, there is also a shadow side to the Lover archetype.

The Shadow Side

When you become too focused on your own pleasure, you may neglect the needs of others.

You may become addicted to the rush of new experiences and neglect long-term commitments.

You may also become possessive and jealous, seeking to control your partner rather than allowing them to be their own person.

To embody the Lover archetype in a healthy way, it is important to cultivate a sense of balance.

You must learn to honor your own needs while also respecting the needs of others. You must be willing to communicate openly and honestly about your desires and boundaries. And you must be willing to let go of control and allow your relationships to unfold naturally.

So, embrace your sensuality and your ability to experience pleasure. But also remember to honor the needs of others and to cultivate healthy relationships based on mutual respect and open communication.

QUIZ TIME: Are you truly living in your feminine energy? CLICK HERE to find out with my specially crafted 9 Question Quiz!

Frequently Asked Questions

How can feminine archetypes help you in your dating life and relationships?

Knowing your feminine archetype can help you attract the right partner (your reciprocal) and build a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

By understanding your own strengths and weaknesses, you can communicate your needs and desires more effectively, appreciate the strengths and weaknesses in your lover, and find someone who complements your energy.

Just as an example of how the feminine archetypes can help you in dating – if your core archetype is the Nurturer, you may be naturally drawn to partners who need your care and attention.

However, this can lead to a pattern of codependency and neglecting your own needs.

By recognizing this tendency, you can set boundaries and prioritize self-care, which will attract partners who respect and support your feminine power.

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What is the difference between divine feminine archetypes and seduction archetypes?

Divine feminine archetypes represent the qualities of the feminine that are connected to the divine, such as intuition, nurturing, and compassion.

These archetypes include the Mother, the Priestess, and the Wise Woman.

On the other hand, seduction archetypes represent the qualities of the feminine that are focused on attracting and captivating men, such as sensuality and charm.

These archetypes include the Siren, the Femme Fatale, and the Temptress.

What Are The 12 Jungian Archetypes?

The 12 Jungian archetypes are

  • The Sage
  • The Innocent
  • The Explorer
  • The Ruler
  • The Creator
  • The Caregiver
  • The Magician
  • The Hero
  • The Outlaw
  • The Lover
  • The Jester, and
  • The Regular Person

These archetypes represent universal patterns of behavior and personality traits that are present in all human beings.

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Can I Have Several Feminine Archetypes?

Yes, it is possible to have several feminine archetypes.

In fact, most women have a combination of archetypes that make up their unique feminine energy. Your dominant archetype may change depending on your life stage, experiences, and personal growth.

Can My Feminine Archetype(S) Change?

Yes, your feminine archetype(s) can change over time as you grow and evolve.

For example, you may start out as a Maiden archetype in your youth, and then transition to a Mother archetype as you start a family.

Or, you may develop a new archetype as you embark on a new career or spiritual path.

What Are The 4 Jungian Archetypes?

The 4 Jungian archetypes are the Self, the Persona, the Shadow, and the Anima/Animus.

The Self represents the totality of the psyche, while the Persona is the social mask we wear in public.

The Shadow represents the “dark” aspects of our personality that we repress or deny, and the Anima/Animus represents the opposite gender aspect of our psyche.

Are The Feminine Archetypes Only For Women?

No, the feminine archetypes are not only for women. Men also have feminine energy and can benefit from understanding and embodying these archetypes.

For example, a man may connect with his inner Lover archetype to cultivate more compassion and emotional intelligence.

What Is The Shadow In Psychology?

The Shadow in psychology refers to the unconscious aspects of our personality that we repress or deny.

These aspects can be both positive and negative, and it is important to integrate them into our conscious awareness in order to achieve wholeness and balance.

What is the least common female archetype?

The least common female archetype is the Crone, which represents the wise old woman who has lived a full and rich life and is now in the autumn of her years.

This archetype is often overlooked in modern society, which places a premium on youth and beauty.

Which Jungian archetype is feminine?

Several Jungian archetypes are considered feminine, including the Mother, the Priestess, the Wise Woman, and the Lover.

These archetypes represent different aspects of the feminine energy, such as nurturing, intuition, wisdom, and sensuality.

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